Who’s Your Favorite Superhero?

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Welcome to #WildcardWednesday! Every Wednesday we ask a question, and whoever leaves us the best response on Facebook or Pinterest will win a freebie of their choice! Above you can see the samples that are up for grabs this week, so buckle in for our question!

Father’s Day is in just a few weeks! Are you ready to celebrate Dad? If you need a last-minute gift idea from the kids, register for your spot at the FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop! Your child can make a Father’s Day Trophy Phone Holder on Saturday, June 4, 2016 to give to Dad!

Since my father is one of my heroes, that got me thinking: who’s your favorite superhero? After Dad, I think Wonder Woman is my #1! If your kids love superheroes, don’t forget to sign up for the upcoming Lowe’s Build and Grow Kids Workshop to build a Captain America figurine for FREE!

Comment on Facebook or Pinterest @CatchyFreebies using the hashtag #WildcardWednesday for a chance to win your choice of the above samples!


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