Tuckered Out: 6 Tips To Tackle Tiredness

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I’m not sure what’s worse; losing sleep or losing money. CatchyFreebies hope that’s a decision you never have to think about. Today, we’re going to tackle the exhausting subject of sleep. Our bodies crave sleep, it’s needed for us to properly function as humans. So when you’re facing another sleepless night, sobbing through your fingers at the sight of dawn asking “What can I do to get to sleep?”, look towards your friends at CatchyFreebies. Hush little baby, don’t say a word; here are 6 ways to sleep like a baby bird.

  • Limit naps in the day if needed
    Naturally, we all get tired during the day. If we were given the opportunity to take a midday snooze, we would all instantly jump at the chance to rest and regain a second burst of energy to help us carry out the day. Administrators at the National Sleep Foundation agree; “Napping does not make up for inadequate nighttime sleep. However, a short nap of 20-30 minutes can help to improve mood, alertness, and performance”. Though, taking a nap too close to your bedtime may affect your ability to fall sound asleep later.
  • Pre Routine
    Develop a regular routine for bedtime! If you perform certain actions consistently at the same time every day, your body will begin to subconsciously prepare itself for that activity at the regular time. For instance, if at 9:00 PM every evening you put your clothes out for the day, 9:07 PM set your alarm, 9:10 PM place your phone down on your desk to charge, by 9:15 PM you’re inside your covers and attempting to sleep, and you execute these actions every night for a calendar week, you might find yourself growing tired at 9:00 PM regardless if you’re attempting to put yourself to sleep or not.  
  • Chamomile Tea
    This particular flavor of tea has been renowned for its properties that serve as a perfect non-prescription sleep aid, granting it the title of “Sleepy Time Tea”. Chamomile also serves as a fantastic medical herb which has been known to treat bodily illnesses like eczema, hay fever, ulcers, and other uses. Just bring water to a boil, add the tea, and add your favorite tea additions. Mint and Lemon are popular additives for Chamomile, experiment with different combinations until you find a mixture that works for you.
  • No Phone or Laptops Near The Bed
    In this age of technology, we are never really socially removed from anything anymore. We have our social media accounts that we compulsary inspect in our downtime, we check and respond to emails we missed throughout the day, we’re afraid that if we remove our phones from our bedroom we’ll suddenly receive phone calls and text messages as if we were the President Of The United States; while these activities and having a sense of “Fear Of Missing Out” (FOMO) is natural, we may want to place our phones far removed on our desk or even in another room. The light that flickers on the display when we receive a notification might interfere with the body’s ability to develop the hormone melatonin that’s needed for sleep. The light that emits from our phone slips through our eyelids, disturbing our sleep.
  • Don’t Watch The Clock
    Just like the old classic idiom “A watched pot never boils” applies to the same concept of “Counting the seconds until you sleep”. A stare-down with our clock may lead to unneeded anxiety, having ourselves ask “WHY am I not going to sleep?” “IF I oversleep, I’m going to be late for work tomorrow and I’ll be fired.” It could become stressful after some time. You may want to turn your alarm clock away from you or sleep facing the opposite direction of the clock. You may find yourself resting a little more easily when you let go of the notion that you may not be able to control when you sleep, so you just let your body do its’ job.
  • Breathe
    There are also a ton of breathing techniques that may assist your insomnia. The “4-7-8” Breathing Exercise has been known to bring results almost instantly. This simple sleep hack instructs you to
    1. Exhale your current breath.
    2. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.
    3. Hold it for 7 seconds.
    4. Exhale again through your mouth for 8 seconds.
    5. Repeat until you begin to doze off.

If you’re an individual who finds breathing out of your nose to be a frustrating struggle most nights, send away for a free sample of Breathe Right Nasal Strips to help even further! If this guide left you well rested and satisfied, share it with your friends! What helps you fall asleep at night? Talk to us our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

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