#SpoilYourselfSunday: Flip Flop Foot Care!

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Hello and welcome to our new #SpoilYourselfSunday event, where we celebrate simple and frugal ways to enjoy a little me-time. Get in the spirit – write your own Spoil Yourself Sunday tips on our Facebook wall, or tweet @CatchyFreebies with the hashtag #SpoilYourselfSunday. If we choose your tip for a feature, we’ll send you a sample from our stash! 

Ready? We’re kicking things off with an end-of-summer celebration: let’s talk flip flop foot care!

Flip flops are so easy and cute to wear, but they’re h#!% on your heels! And we know you’ve been wearing your cutest sandals all summer (Can we blame ya? Of course not!). Luckily, you can treat your tootsies at home with a few unlikely but totally cheap and effective products: shaving cream and Listerine!

Grab a bucket and add equal parts water and mouthwash; set aside a hand-towel that’s big enough to cover both feet, and find somewhere comfy to sit. Slather that shaving cream on your feet, then soak the towel in the water and Listerine solution before wrapping it around your shaving-cream-covered feet, and hang out for 30 minutes with your heels all nice and mummified. After a half hour, use the towel to rub off the gunk; you should see some of your callouses coming right off – gross!!! But at least it’s not on your feet anymore ;)

Remember to moisturize afterward to protect all the hard work you just did! Once your feet are dry, apply a healthy amount of thick foot cream to help your feet get super soft!

What are your favorite frugal self-care tips? Leave us a comment on social media using the hashtag #SpoilYourselfSunday!


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