Halloween is a fun holiday. And the spookiness is part of the fun! But it’s still so important to keep your kids safe, and for them to understand that Halloween can be spooky and still safe, as long as they stick to a few rules. Here are some smart safety tips, many of them them recommended by the American Association of Pediatrics.
1. Plan for adult supervision:
Kids who are old enough to get around by themselves should travel in groups and parents should know where they plan to be.
2. Give kids a curfew:
They should have cell phones and instructions to check in every hour.
3. Tell kids not to ring bells at the homes of strangers:
Make sure they know never to go into a car with or take candy from strangers. Review the important points of stranger danger before they head out.
4. Make sure the kids are easy to see at night:
Light colored costumes are easier to see in the dark Attaching reflective tape to coats and costumes is also a good idea.
5. Emphasize crossing safety:
Teach your kids to cross safely and tell them to walk on sidewalks- not the middle of the street.
6. Make sure the costumes are safe:
Costumes shouldn’t be too long to be a tripping hazard. If your child is wearing a mask make sure the eye holes are large enough to see well out of. Even better- use face makeup instead.
7. Accessories like swords should be soft:
This way no one gets whacked in the eye with parts of a costume.
8. Give kids flashlights:
And test before they leave to make sure the batteries are working.
9. Don’t go out hungry:
Have your kids eat a meal before they go out trick-or-treating so they’ll be less likely to overdo it on the candy.
10. Check treats at home:
Check for choking hazards and to make sure all packaging is sealed properly.
11. Consider giving out non-food treats:
Kids will love stickers or coloring kits. This is way healthier than candy and you can avoid problems with food allergies.
12. Keep you home safe for your visitors:
Remove things people can trip over, sweep away wet leaves, and make sure the lights are on outside your house.
It might look like a long list, but there’s nothing hard here, and most of it’s common sense anyway. Take some precautions and have a safe and spooky Halloween!
How do you keep your kids safe on Halloween? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!