Peppermint Candy Cane Popcorn

Welcome to #ScrumptiousSaturday! Do you just happen to have lots of candy canes lying around your house? Well, then today's your lucky day because December 26 is National Candy Cane Day and I have a recipe for Peppermint Candy Cane Popcorn! It's a real treat, and a great way to use up those extra candy canes. Enjoy it while you hang around relaxing, or make it for your New Year's Eve party.
Click through for the recipe!
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Welcome to #ScrumptiousSaturday! Do you just happen to have lots of candy canes lying around your house? Well, then today's your lucky day because December 26 is National Candy Cane Day and I have a recipe for Peppermint Candy Cane Popcorn! It's a real treat, and a great way to use up those extra candy canes. Enjoy it while you hang around relaxing, or make it for your New Year's Eve party.
Click through for the recipe!

Peppermint Candy Cane Popcorn

(adapted from Closet Cooking)


  • 2 bags popcorn, popped
  • 2/3 cup peppermint candy cane, crushed (you can substitute other flavors, too!)
  • 1 1/2 cups white chocolate chips, melted
Prep and cook time 5 minutes; yields 4 servings.


  1. Mix the popcorn, crushed candy cane and melted chocolate until well combined.
  2. Spread the mixture out on a baking sheet.
  3. Let sit until the chocolate has set. (Chill in the fridge if you want it to set faster.)
  4. Break up any large clumps and enjoy!
For a grown-up candy cane treat, try this Candy Cane Cocktail with Homemade Candy Cane Infused Vodka.

What's your favorite way to enjoy candy canes? Share with us on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #ScrumptiousSaturday!

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