How’d you like my previous post about home remedies from the kitchen? I just love the idea that simple things that are typically found in the average kitchen can do so much more for us. I love natural remedies as an alternative to products that have chemicals, and of course, I love saving money by not having to pay for for medicines. I got so excited that I continued researching for more kitchen items that can help in other ways, and here’s what I found:
- Calcium rich foods. Dairy, almonds, broccoli, leafy greens, and sardines can help with relief of PMS symptoms. Definitely worth a try!
- Prunes. Everyone knows that prunes are good for relieving constipation, but I had to give them a shout-out here and point out that they are so much more gentle on your digestive system than OTC laxatives.
- Sugar. Who knew that sugar could get rid of hiccups? Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar under your tongue and make those hiccups stop.
- Lemon. Drink lemon juice to help get rid of sore throats and colds. Apply it to your skin to lighten dark spots, but be patient- it takes some time to see results.
- Apple cider vinegar. Because it has anti-inflammatory properties, it’s good to dab on bruises and burns. Also try it as a soak for smelly feet.
- Lavender. Besides it’s divine aroma, lavender eases tension and muscle spasms. Rub on some lavender lotion at bedtime to soothe and help you fall asleep.
- Dark chocolate. Reduces stress hormone levels. So treat yourself and relax!
- Turmeric. Eat it to boost your immune system and ease arthritis symptoms. Make a paste and apply it to minor cuts and burns as an antiseptic.
- Honey. A spoonful of honey can soothe a sore throat and calm a cough. Also apply it to minor wounds and canker sores.
- Banana. Mash it and apply to burns and sunburns for some relief. Apply banana peel to insect bites to relieve itching.
- Honeydew. Eating honeydew can do so many good things for your body. It relieves bloating and acts as a natural diuretic that also helps with electrolyte replacement. And it has potassium, which can help with muscle cramps.
Another thing I love about these home remedies is that these items are ready to use as-is. No measuring or mixing necessary. Add that to the fact that they’re all natural, and of course, pretty much free, and you’ve got a win-win situation here!
Do you know any natural home remedies? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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