Kindness Is Priceless

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I like to think the world is a good place, but once in a while you hear about something that makes you really believe in other people and the power of kindness. Josh Cyganik has worked for Union Pacific Railroad, across the street from a house that looks a little worse for wear, for four years, waving every day at the owner, 75-year-old Leonard Bullock. One day this summer, he heard some teenagers make nasty remarks about the house, saying they needed to burn it and tear it down, all within earshot of the elderly owner.

Mr. Cyganik saw how those comments upset Mr. Bullock and asked him if he could paint his house. He then asked a lumber supplier to donate paint, and posted on Facebook asking for volunteers to donate some time to paint the house. That post got more than 6,000 shares and over 100 volunteers showed up on the day to help paint!

This story blew my mind on so many levels! First of all, that something so special and good could come from something negative is enough to make you believe that the universe is, ultimately, good. And that so many people care enough to give is enough to make you believe that ultimately, people are good. And you know what? While you might have to spend some effort, or even some money to do a kindness, the reward is sometimes immeasurable. You might even say priceless. Do something nice for someone and see what kind of results you get! I just loved this story too much not to share it, and I hope you’ll all be as inspired as I was. Share it and spread the kindness. Here is a link to the Facebook post and here is a link to the original article that made me feel all warm and fuzzy.


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