How to Use Up Thanksgiving Leftovers!

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Welcome to #ThrowbackThursday! Every Thursday we’ll be celebrating the wisdom of our foremothers with some themed tips from the Great Depression era. Feel free to get in on the fun! Write your own Throwback Thursday tips on our Facebook wall, or tweet @CatchyFreebies with the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday. If we choose your tip for a feature, we’ll send you a sample from our stash! 

This #ThrowbackThursday, it’s also, of course, Thanksgiving! We hope you’re having a wonderful time with family, friends, and in-betweens! But we have a sneaking suspicion that you’ll be left with tons of food after the big day is over. So, what to do with all those leftovers? We’re glad you asked ;) Here’s a roundup of some of our favorite Thanksgiving leftover recipes for any time of day!

Leftovers for breakfast:

Leftovers for lunch:

Leftovers for dinner:

What’s your favorite way to use up Thanksgiving leftovers? Leave us a comment on Facebook or send us your thoughts on Twitter @CatchyFreebies using the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday!


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