How to Use Pumpkin for Soft, Shiny Hair

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Hello and welcome to #SpoilYourselfSunday, where we celebrate simple and frugal ways to enjoy a little me-time. Get in the spirit – write your own tips on our Facebook wall, or tweet @CatchyFreebies with the hashtag #SpoilYourselfSunday. If we choose your tip for a feature, we’ll send you a sample from our stash! 

Today for #SpoilYourselfSunday, we’re thinking that Sunday is the perfect day of the week for a hair mask treatment! Since it’s fall, we’re featuring the humble pumpkin as a top-notch beauty DIY staple. But first, why is pumpkin so terrific for your tresses? Pumpkin is chock-full of vitamins and minerals for all kinds of beauty benefits. These include vitamins A, C, E, and K, which help moisturize the hair and scalp as well as repair hair damage. Pumpkin is also rich in potassium, magnesium, copper, and zinc, which help protect your hair cells and promote hair regrowth, among other benefits. (In fact, many people swear by pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil as major fighters against hair loss!) Overall, pumpkin is a fabulous (and delicious) way to revitalize dry, dull, and damaged locks – especially for you curly folks out there!

Now that we know all about pumpkin-y goodness for hair, here’s a super-simple pumpkin spice hair mask recipe from Naturally Curly:

  • 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
  • 2 tbsp unrefined coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp honey (raw/organic if you can find it!)

Mix the three ingredients in a bowl until the mixture is creamy. Apply to clean, detangled hair, and cover your hair while you let that pumpkin work its magic! After 15-20 minutes, wash out the mixture with cool water. Voila! There’s even a GIF so you can see the whole process unfold:


This recipe incorporates coconut oil and honey, which are also amazing natural moisturizers: unrefined coconut oil can penetrate directly into the hair strand to condition from the inside, while honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts and seals in moisture. So basically this delicious-smelling seasonal recipe is a trifecta of hair-repairing goodness, and you’ll have silky, soft hair to show for it! Want to try some other pumpkin conditioning masks? Here are 5 more pumpkin hair DIYs.

What’s your favorite way to deep-condition your hair? Leave us a comment on social media using the hashtag #SpoilYourselfSunday!


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