Let’s give a hand to all those women who have a healthy, positive body image! While I’d say that my self-esteem and self-confidence are pretty okay most of the time, I still have my days where I struggle with body image issues, and I know I need to work on fixing that. It’s social media and the regular media that often leave us feeling like we don’t quite measure up, and that’s a huge problem. By posting and publishing images of beautiful women looking their best, how can the rest of us help feeling like we’re somehow not good enough? The solution is to learn to have a positive body image and to love your body, which I know can be hard sometimes, so here are some tips to help get you there:
- Appreciate your body. Develop an appreciation for everything that your body does for you: getting you from place to place, allowing you to enjoy things, laughing, taking care of your family.
- Be realistic. There are many different body types and it helps to know what is realistic for yours. If you’re tall and big-boned you’ll never be petite, no matter how much you diet- and that’s totally okay!
- Replace negative statements with positive. Thinking negative thoughts is never helpful. Train yourself to see things though a positive lens.
- See yourself as a whole person. Don’t pick apart your body and focus on the parts you don’t like. See your body as just a wonderful part of your whole fabulous person.
- Work with your body. Wear clothes that make you look and feel your best.
- Make of list of what you like about yourself. Keep a running list of the things that make you special, and don’t limit it to physical traits, either.
- Don’t hang out in front of the mirror. If constantly looking at and criticizing your body is making you miserable, simply stop doing it!
- When you do look in the mirror, focus on something positive. If you just look you’ll see so may positive things!
- Be around supportive people. It’s easier to feel good about yourself when you’re with positive people who like you the way you are.
- Be media savvy. Understand that not everyone looks like a model, and that a lot of what you see in magazines and TV is either retouched, or not realistic at all. And as for your social media feed, remember that nobody’s going to post pics that don’t make them look great.
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
- Be kind to your body. Treat your body to relaxing baths, nice long walks, or anything that makes you feel good.
This is a nice, long list that might have you thinking it’s all easier said than done- and maybe it is. Start out slowly and try to stay positive. Focus on feeling good about yourself and in a short time you will. After all, you are fabulous, body flaws and all!
How do you keep a positive body image? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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