Helpful kids become helpful adults, and it starts with us as parents. Teach them responsibility by asking them to help our around the house; it will teach them life skills- and it doesn’t hurt that we get s little help in the bargain!
1. Set time limits:
If you ask kids to do a chore they’ll groan because they think it will take forever and they’ll never be able to have fun again. You can help them see that it’s not so hard by telling them how long it will take, or better yet- setting a timer so they know when they’ll be able to stop.
2. Be involved:
Use chore time as an opportunity to do something with your kids. Tackle a job together and teach them about teamwork.
3. Give rewards:
Rewards are a great way to celebrate accomplishment and work to also provide motivation for kids to do things you ask them to do.
4. Praise:
Make your kids feel good about helping and about their work by praising and complimenting.
5. Don’t expect perfect:
This is not the time for perfection- the goal is to teach your kids to help and to get some work off your plate, and it’s important to remember that.
6. Make it age appropriate:
When you ask your kids to help, make sure that what you’re asking them to do is something they are capable of, and of course, consider age appropriate safety.
7. Make it fun:
Play music, dance, make it an infomercial, or anything that makes it fun for the kids.
8. Restrict screens:
If you want the kids to help out and do certain chores, ban time on devices until after the work is done.
9. Be consistent:
Let your kids know what you expect from them, and try to keep it consistent so they know what to expect. This can also help them learn a sense of responsibility.
How do you teach your kids to help? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!