How about those hiccups? Hiccups are weird, and they happen when your diaphragm goes a little crazy. The diaphragm is a muscle that plays a role in breathing, and when it spasms involuntarily, you hiccup. Hiccups are mostly harmless, though they can be really annoying. Because it’s hard to make them stop, and even when they do stop, they often come back a few times that same day- just in case you missed them! When I was a kid I was always told to drink water, and it never really worked. Here are some more inventive and creative things that are said to stop the hiccups,:
- Inhale and hold for 10 seconds, then exhale evenly. Do this three or four times.
- Gargle with ice water.
- Hug your knees to your chest for a few minutes.
- Squeeze your nose and swallow.
- Place sugar on your tongue and wait for it to dissolve, then swallow.
- Cover your nose and mouth and breathe normally.
- Use the thumb of one hand to press hard on the palm of the other hand.
- Suck on a lemon slice.
- Jump up and down about ten times.
- Suck on ice cubes.
- Stick out your tongue.
Does any of this sound crazy to you? Hiccup remedies always sound a little wild, but you never know! Any of these are worth a try!
How do you get rid of hiccups? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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