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There's nothing better than receiving gifts- right? Admit it- it's exciting to unwrap something that someone bought just for you. And it also feels good to buy something for someone else that you know will be appreciated. We're all busy with gifts this time of year-in fact, it sometimes feels like gifts are the whole focus of the holidays. Gifts are one of the best parts of the holidays, but the holidays should also be meaningful. That's why at times of abundance it's also so important to give back and make a difference to those whose lives may not be as rich and full as our own. A really wonderful way to incorporate the usual gift giving with giving back is to buy from companies that make donations when you make a purchase, or help by giving others the gift of education and financial independence.
Click through for some really cool gifts from companies that help important causes.
1. West Elm: West Elm has partnered up with FEED, an organization that is committed to ending world hunger. For every one of these special aprons that are sold, FEED will donate 14 meals to families in need in the USA.
2. Thistle Farms: Thistle Farms employs more than 50 women who are survivors of prostitution, addiction, and trafficking in its natural body care company, cafe, artisan studio, and global marketplace. They also provide education and advocacy for more than 700 women each year.
3. For Goodness Sake: When you make a purchase from a variety of reasonably price accessories, home decor items, and jewelry, For Goodness Sake will donate at least 25% of the proceeds to one of their charity partners.
4. One Hope Wine: This company is partnered with many charities that help with children's health needs and homelessness, among many others. You can purchase individual bottles of wine or beautiful gift sets.
5. Sseko Designs: Purchase sandals, handbags, and accessories with interchangeable straps are made by women in Uganda. This gives women financial independence and provides income to attend university. Go check out this fabulous merchandise.
6. Warby Parker: When you buy a pair of glasses you do so much more than look great while you improve your own vision. Based on the number of glasses sold each month, this cool company makes a donation to a non-profit that provides glasses to those in need and trains people in developing countries to do eye exams and sell affordable glasses.
7. Bombas Socks: Did you know that socks are the most requested item at homeless shelters? Because of this, Bombas will donate a pair for every one purchased.
8. Bears For Humanity: Because a special friend can help in difficult circumstances, for every bear purchased through this organization, one is donated to a child in need. The buyer gets to choose the distributing charity, among them Toys For Tots, Save the Children, and Expect Miracle Foundation.
9. Baking For Good: Baked goods and beautiful baskets of baking needs make beautiful gifts. And for every $20 spent $1 will be donated to a cause of your choice, such as education, children's needs, disaster relief, and organizations that support the arts.
10. Toms: Gift a gift and take part in Toms' One For One program. Every purchase of shoes, eyewear, coffee, and bags helps someone in need.