Welcome to #FaveFreebieFriday! TGIF, y’all! To celebrate the upcoming weekend, we’ve decided we should do a roundup of our top three most awesome freebie deals from this week. Disagree with our picks? Hit us up on Twitter, Facebook, or Pinterest with a comment or message explaining which freebies were your favorites, and we might feature you in our next #FaveFreebieFriday post! If we do, we’ll send you a sample from our stash!
So, without further ado…our top picks!
3. Free Back-to-School Photo Props
These photo prop sign printables give you a cute way to remember your child’s first day of school, from preschool all the way to 12th grade! Grab these free printables and get snapping to make some super adorable memories to share – now Grandma has NO excuses for forgetting what grade Johnny is heading into!
Apocalypse and astronaut enthusiasts, rejoice! You can nowreenact the moon landing at home, complete with gourmet astronaut fare. Or eat as if zombies were clawing at your door – from the comfort of your un-zombie-fied home! Food Insurance is mailing out free samples of their nutritional emergency food products, so go ahead and try out one of their freeze-dried gourmet entrees!
Because who wants to wait for nail polish to dry? These long-lasting press-on nails from imPRESS are the perfect lazy-girl manicure. Just fill out a short survey and share their campaign with 5 of your lady friends to receive your free sample in the mail!
Have you claimed these offers yet? Which deal was your favorite this week? Don’t forget to use the hashtag #FaveFreebieFriday and get at us on social media!
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