Easy Home Decorating With Accents

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Is anyone else here a home decor magazine junkie? Then you’ll understand when I say that I can easily spend hours looking at home decorating magazines. I can spend hours online looking at gorgeously decorated rooms, and since Pinterest came into my life I’ve lost many hours to this indulgence. Even so, there still is nothing like a photo in a glossy magazine! Once in a while I’ll give myself a treat and buy an actual magazine, but to do it on a regular basis can get expensive. Pictures on my computer screen are an okay substitute, but if I need a real paper fix, home decorating catalogs will work- and they’re free! Click here to find out how to get a free catalog from Crate & Barrel.

As I leaf or click my way through those pages, I think of how I would love for my home to look like a picture in a magazine. If only I could afford that furniture! Or how about a decorator to help me put those looks together? But that’s not my reality, and you know what? I’m totally okay with it- really- because it just means I have to flex my own creative muscle a little more to get some great looks using my real-life budget. There are times when you do have to buy some new furniture, and that’s when you save up, or you go to sites like Overstock.com and Wayfair.com for beautiful and affordable options. But if a complete overhaul is not the plan or in the budget, you can still give a room an upgrade just by adding some accents. Most are easy and inexpensive to do. I love Target for that. All you need are a few really great throw pillows and you’ve given an old couch or chair a face-lift. Target also always has pretty vases you can fill with life-like artificial flowers that give a room a kick all year round. Filling a vase or bowl with anything colorful (ribbons, marbles, balls, candies, etc.) is another cheap but classy way to add some zip.

The point is that no matter what your budget, you can always have a beautifully decorated home. They key is in the accents. Using accent pieces is a great option because with a little inspiration you can always find affordable things, and then you can swap them out according to the seasons or when you’re ready for a little update. Does your bathroom need a change? Try a new set of towels in a new color and see how even that makes a difference. If you want to try something just a little bit bolder, but a lot more permanent try an accent wall. I love the idea of one wall that’s painted a different color than the rest to punch up the decor. Click through this gallery for 32 beautiful easy and inexpensive decorating ideas. Try the ones you love and make your home look like a picture in a magazine.

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