We’ve all been there: a delicious meal, or tempting snacks- you say you’ll be careful, but you can’t help overdoing it. Then you feel horrible- possibly overly full and uncomfortable, and definitely full of guilt. You vow never to overeat again, but it happens. Hey- we’re all human- so don’t beat up on yourself! Still, it’s a good idea not to overeat too often, and here are some tips that can help you:
1. Drink water:
We often think we’re hungry when really, we’re just thirsty! Drink water throughout the day to avoid getting dehydrated. Another way drinking water can help is that it makes your stomach feel full so you won’t eat too much. Drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal.
2. Have a food plan:
Plan out your eating a day in advance- or go ahead and do the whole week- and you’ll always be prepared. No more scarfing down everything in the fridge when you’re starved, because you’ve planned your meals and snacks!
3. Snack:
Yes, you read right: you need to eat snacks. Healthy snacks every so often prevent the blood sugar spikes that make you feel starved and cause you to binge. Nuts, fruits, veggies, and yogurt are all smart choices.
4. Allow treats:
When you can’t have something, you only want it more, so don’t put anything off limits. You need to plan and practice portion control, but everything is allowed.
5. Eat breakfast:
Get your metabolism started early in the day, and give your body something to work on. People who eat breakfast each morning are less likely to overeat later in the day.
6. Eat mindfully:
Sit down to eat and notice what you’re eating. You’re way more likely to eat too much if you’re munching in front of the TV. Make it a rule that when you’re eating, that’s all you’re doing- with no distractions.
7. Limit alcohol:
Drinking alcohol can make you feel hungry, and it can also make you less careful about what you eat.
8. Know your triggers:
Pay attention to what else is going on when you’re more prone to overeating. Design strategies to get around those triggers.
How do you avoid overeating? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!