Waking Up To Happy!

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I know it sounds crazy, but I just might have discovered the secret to happiness! I’m not kidding! I could go on and on with a post about being positive, and looking at the bright side, and seeing the good in everything. All those things are most definitely helpful when you’re looking for happiness. I mean, who wants to be negative? Well, sometimes you do; sometimes you’re in a bad mood and you just need to wallow in it for a little while. But you don’t want to stay sad and depressed, so you go out and smell the roses, so to speak. Most of the time you don’t even have to look too hard to find something to make you a little happier. But that’s not what I’m talking about today. Not at all. I’m talking about waking up happy. I figured out a sure-fire way to make that happen! Of course getting a good night’s sleep with enough hours of rest and waking up to sunshine is extremely helpful, though not always possible. But I’ve recently discovered that you can still wake up happy, anyway. Eating well, getting regular exercise, and generally maintaining your health are all components to feeling happy, as everyone knows. happy But I won’t preach today about having a good attitude or about getting enough sleep and exercise. You know all that, and I don’t feel like preaching anyway. And I have to be honest here- I wasn’t sure I’d be able to wake up happy this morning, what with Daylight Savings making it dark at my regular wake-up time. And just when sunrise was starting to occur at a reasonable hour! What’s up with Daylight Savings, anyway? Wait… no negativity here! I woke up happy because I set my alarm to Pharrell Williams’s “Happy!” I love that song; every time I hear it my mood perks up and I feel like singing along and dancing. Is that lame? Maybe, but it really works for me. And the name of the song is “Happy,” you know, so, power of suggestion and all, and I’m off to a pretty good start. “Happy” might not be your happy song, but there has to be another one that is. And I won’t pretend that a good cup of coffee doesn’t also help a lot. So set your alarm to wake you up to your happy song tomorrow, enjoy your coffee, and let your happy morning lead you into a happy day!
