Valentine’s Day is coming soon and I’m feeling all hearts and flowers. There’s something about love being in the air that just makes everything look better. And it’s not just the romance, either – though that’s nice, too. Love has real physical and emotional health benefits. Here are 9 ways that love is good for you:
1. Someone always has your back. Knowing that you have unconditional support is great for your self confidence. You can reach higher levels of success when you know you have a cheering section.
2. Love is good for your immune system. Maybe it’s because there’s someone else to make sure you take care of yourself, or maybe it’s love itself. Either way love will keep you healthier.
3. It’s good for your heart. It’s pretty appropriate that a heart is the symbol for love. Women in good marriages tend to have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
4. Hugging may lower your blood pressure. How about that! Doctor, prescribe me some hugs!
5. Love can lower stress levels. Love makes you happy and calm – not that being in love doesn’t take some work! But in general it has a positive effect on stress.
6. It can boost your emotional stability. Babies who get love and hugs from their parents grow up more emotionally stable than those who don’t.
7. You look and feel better. Love releases hormones that make you look more attractive.
8. Love can help you achieve greater financial stability. Married couples tend to be more stable than people who are single.
9. Feeling loved reduces pain. Holding hands with a loved one can reduce feelings of pain. Forget your hats – hold onto your guy!
Are you ready to break out the champagne and chocolates for Valentine’s Day? Love is definitely something to celebrate!
What tips do you love about love? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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