9 Steps For Emotional Spring Cleaning

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How’s your spring cleaning coming along? It’s a big job, but once it’s done the results are incredible! Getting rid of the mess and clutter in your home makes everything better, and it’s good to know that once a year you can organize and straighten out whatever’s been accumulating in out homes. The same thing is true for emotional spring cleaning; it’s important to clean out and organize our thoughts and feelings, too.

Here are some steps for successful emotional spring cleaning:

  1. Let go of baggage. Think of it as cleaning out the closet in your head and heart. Decide what you need to hold on to and what needs to go and then find a place for it.
  2. Reassess your priorities and values. Maybe you’ve been wasting emotional energy by focusing on the wrong things. Take stock of what’s important and direct your energy there.
  3. Get rid of negativity. Throw it out and make room for positive and good feelings.
  4. Let go of anger. It’s destructive.
  5. Let go of grudges. They hold you back. This includes forgiving yourself, too. Don’t dwell on your failures or disappointments. Look forward and move on.
  6. Face your fears. It’s not easy, but facing your fears and dealing with them makes you stronger in the long run.
  7. Set goals. Think about what you want to accomplish and set up a plan to make it happen.
  8. Get rid of envy. Envy clutters your heart and mind, using up space that should be used for love. be happy for others and see how the love cleanses you.
  9. Keep a journal. Putting your thoughts and feelings on paper makes it easier for you to picture what’s going on. And writing things down when you’re upset helps release them so you can let go.

Spring is a time for renewal, so what better time for some emotional spring cleaning? You’re home is neat and clean- now do the same for your heart!


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