9 Awesome Things To Do With Apples Peels

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Who’s planning to make some awesome, cozy apple pies for the holidays? Come to think of it, why wait for an occasion to bake a treat like apple pie? I know I don’t! I love eating raw apples with the peel on, but I don’t like the peels in baked or cooked apple dishes like apple pie and applesauce. Which means I’m left with lots of apple peels and I feel really bad just throwing them away. If you feel the same way you’ll love this list of ideas for using those peels and transforming them into something new, and special in a different way. Check them out!

  1. Aromatherapy. Is there anything more soothing and inviting than the smell of apples cooking? Simmer your apple peels in a saucepan with some water and cinnamon and let the fragrance fill your home. This great as an air freshener, or just to give your house a homey feeling. You can use your peels to do this right away, or freeze them and try it later.
  2. Apple tea. Boil 4 cups of water with 6 apple peels, cinnamon, and honey for 15 minutes. Strain and enjoy this delicious tea that’s said to help with insomnia.
  3. Potpourri. Use a dehydrator or the lowest setting in your oven to dry apple peel, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and citrus peel.
  4. Apple vinegar. Apple cider vinegar adds zip to lots of recipes, and also has incredible health benefits. Learn how to make your own here.
  5. Remove stains from pans. Get rid of stains on aluminum pots and pans by boiling apple peels with water for 30 minutes.
  6. Smoothies. Save your peels and freeze to add to smoothies for added fiber and flavor.
  7. Apple jelly. Get a great recipe here.
  8. Chips. Roast apple chips with cinnamon and sugar; bake at 250 F for 2 1/2 hours.
  9. Salad. Shred apple peel into salads for crunch and texture.

What do you do with apple peels? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!


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