7 Ways to Eat Healthy on Super Bowl Sunday

Welcome to #SpoilYourselfSunday, where we celebrate simple and frugal ways to enjoy a little me-time. As you probably know, today is Super Bowl 50! If you're like me, you don't really care about the football, but love how Super Bowl Sunday is a great excuse to throw a party and nosh on some delicious snacks! However, this is also the time of year when we're all trying to slim down per those pesky New Years resolutions (why do we sabotage ourselves like this?!?).
Click through for 7 healthy eating hacks you can use at any Super Bowl party!
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Welcome to #SpoilYourselfSunday, where we celebrate simple and frugal ways to enjoy a little me-time. As you probably know, today is Super Bowl 50! If you're like me, you don't really care about the football, but love how Super Bowl Sunday is a great excuse to throw a party and nosh on some delicious snacks! However, this is also the time of year when we're all trying to slim down per those pesky New Years resolutions (why do we sabotage ourselves like this?!?).
Click through for 7 healthy eating hacks you can use at any Super Bowl party!

1. Fuel up right.

Enjoy a big, healthy breakfast like a veggie omelet, oatmeal with fruit, or a bean and egg wrap (pick a whole wheat wrap!). Then for lunch enjoy something healthy and a bit lighter like a bowl of soup. It's important to fuel your body with protein in advance to avoid bingeing on the fried fare that's usually served at Super Bowl parties. Definitely don't starve yourself to prep for Super Bowl Sunday - that's a one-way ticket to overeating and digestive discomfort.

2. Bring a veggie tray with healthy dips.

To help yourself avoid picking at nachos the whole time, buy a veggie tray for the occasion. Don't forget to swap out the sugar- or cream-filled dips for homemade healthy versions! Make your own healthy dip recipes, or pick up some low-fat bean dip, hummus, guacamole, or yogurt-based dip at the store. Hate veggie trays? Cut up some fruit or grab a sushi tray to bring instead!

3. Choose baked over fried. 

You don't have to avoid fried food like the plague, but limit yourself to one (yes, ONE!) single piece of fried food per quarter. That way you can still enjoy foods you love without going overboard. If you're bringing a dish or hosting, always opt to bake instead of fry. Otherwise, choose crispier, lighter baked fare at the snacks table.

4. Remove temptation.

If you have to serve unhealthy, fried or cream-heavy snacks, place them out of the way - on the kitchen counter or at the back of the table. Put all the salad, veggies, and fruits within reach. That way, you're much more likely to grab the healthier options.

5. Pick smaller plates.

If you're the host, you have the power to trick your guests into eating healthier - just by downsizing your plates! Even if you're not hosting, you can always ask to supply the dishware (who says no to an offer like that?!). Pick up some snack-sized paper plates or whip out your dessert plates for an easy way to eat more economically.

6. Forgo the booze and soda. 

If you'd still like to have a drink, be sure to set a limit and choose light beers, light vodka drinks, or a glass of red wine. Leave the soda off your Super Bowl shopping list - no one will miss it if you mix up some zero-calorie lemonade or fruit-flavored water. Add some seltzer for a little fizz!

7. Get active!

Don't just lounge on the couch all day! Get up and socialize (during the commercials if you're glued to the game) or grab another carrot stick. The halftime show is the perfect time to mobilize the troops for a dance break. You could even organize a pick-up touch football game before the actual game! Making a point to move during lulls in the action will help boost your metabolism and reinforce all those healthy eating choices you've been making ;)
At the end of the day, you can do your best to make healthy decisions (amid all the unhealthy options), but you should also focus on enjoying yourself! If you want to enjoy an extra drink, don't beat yourself up about it. Eating healthy should be fun - and there should always be some room for splurges, especially on special occasions like SB 50!
What are your best healthy eating hacks for Super Bowl Sunday? Let us know on social media @catchyfreebies using the hashtag #SpoilYourselfSunday!

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