20 Easy Ways To Be More Creative

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We live in a world of DIY everything and entrepreneurs. If you don’t have 50,000 Pinterest followers, don’t have a food blog, or haven’t started an outrageously successful home business you might feel like a failure. The pressure is real, my friends! But don’t be discouraged! You can be the creative genius you want to be. To a certain extent creativity is an inborn trait, but the truth is that anyone can learn to flex some creative muscle. Here are some easy tips to help you be more creative:

  1. Just do it. Pick up a brush and start painting, or fire up your computer and start writing, or whatever it is you want to be doing. Stop thinking and get started.
  2. Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from trying. And don’t look at failure as a bad thing; think of it as part of the creative process and learn from it. Use feedback to make your work stronger.
  3. Hang out with creative people. Join a writing group, or a music group, or whatever speaks to you. Being around other creative people will inspire you and help you to push your limits.
  4. Be open to criticism. Ask people for their opinions on your work and ideas and don’t be sensitive.
  5. Don’t expect perfection. Requiring perfection will stifle your creative energy and hold you back.
  6. Ask a lot of questions. Learning is part of the process, and the more you know, the  more you’ll have to work with. Do research on you own or talk to people who know.
  7. Keep your eyes open. Inspiration is everywhere.
  8. Break some rules. Don’t be destructive or irresponsible, but creativity requires coloring outside the lines sometimes.
  9. Keep a journal. Writing down what’s in your mind will get you in touch with your subconscious and help the ideas flow. And if you want to be a writer, the extra practice never hurts.
  10. Meditate. Like journal writing, it’s a way to be present without actively thinking, so you can free your mind and the ideas will come.
  11. Doodle. It sort of works the same way as meditating and journaling, and doodling also helps to activate neural pathways.
  12. Be aware of trends. You should be aware of what’s popular, but don’t let that define you. Be your true self and just use trends and pop culture as gentle guides.
  13. Surround yourself with blue. Studies show that it enhances creativity.
  14. Try something new. Having new experiences sparks creativity. Get out of your comfort zone and take a class, or try something that intimidates you. Experiment.
  15. Change your environment. Go outside, change positions, try a new activity to jog your creativity.
  16. Be open. Be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.
  17. Keep a pen and notebook with you. You’ll always be ready to sketch or jot down ideas whenever inspiration strikes.
  18. Flex your muscles. Actively flex your creative muscles- tap into your creative resources.
  19. Work on it every day. Set aside time in your daily routine to work on your creative pursuits and endeavors.
  20. Keep pursuing it. Keep up the momentum and it will get easier. You’ll also find that one idea leads to more ideas, one project leads to more projects, etc.

You can bring out your inner Martha Stewart! All it takes is a little determination, flexibility, and inspiration!



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