12 Ways To Recover From A Bad Day

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When I was a kid, one of my favorite books was “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” by Judith Viorst. I think I mostly loved it for its catchy title, but it’s actually a pretty good story about a young boy getting through a tough day- something we can all relate to.

We all have our days, and it’s good to know that a bad day doesn’t last forever. Just knowing that tomorrow will be better can help a little, but why not make yourself feel better sooner, if you can? Here are 12 things that can help you recover from a bad day:

1. Watch a funny video:

It’s a known fact that laughing will boost your mood because it triggers the feel-good hormones. Search YouTube for whatever you find funny and spend a few minutes laughing.

2. Listen to music:

Music is also great for mood adjustments. We each have our own music preferences, which can vary depending on what you’re feeling, so find what you need and let the music take you away.

3. Exercise:

Working up a sweat will do your mood and your body good, but so will a leisurely walk or some stretches. Moving your body gets those endorphins flowing, and you’ll also feel good that you did something good for yourself.

4. Spend time with a friend:

Contact with others is known to make us happy. Get together with people you love, or just call a friend if you can’t meet in person.

5. Breathe:

Spend a few minutes taking deep breaths, concentrating on inhaling and exhaling and how that feels for you. There are lots of breathing exercises that you can find on YouTube or special apps.

6. Let yourself feel it:
Don’t ignore your feelings; give yourself some time to feel angry, sad, or frustrated. Give yourself permission to complain or even cry if you need to. But set a time limit and then move on.

7. Watch a movie or TV:

Sometimes you just need to zone out, and watching something is the perfect way to do it.

8. Help someone else: 

Doing something nice for someone else is a great distraction and it will also make you feel good.

9. Take a shower or bath:

Literally wash away the bad day. Start off with hot water and cool it down. It’s good for your circulation and will give you a boost of energy.

10. Play with a pet:

If you have your own pet you have built-in comfort in your own home. If not, play with a friend’s pet or visit an animal shelter. Interacting with animals is comforting.

11. Eat some ice cream:

Or chocolate, or whatever does it for you. Not that I’m promoting using food for emotional comfort, but having a bad day earns you a treat!

12. Get a good rest:
Don’t stay up too late feeling sorry for yourself (or partying, watching TV, or whatever). A bad day can tire you out emotionally, and a good night’s sleep will restore you. Tomorrow will be better!

How do you get over a bad day? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!


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