12 Ways To Beat Holiday Stress

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Holidays are supposed to be happy times, so it’s really unfair that they can also be times of crazy stress and tension! We want to make the most of the special time and enjoy the celebrations, but it can be hard when you’re also feeling overwhelmed. It’s a busy time with lots to do and lots of things (and people) to consider, so it’s no wonder we feel this way, but the good news is you don’t have to! Here are some tips for beating the stress and enjoying your holidays.

  1. Be organized: It’s easy to get bogged down when there’s so much to do, and the best way to calm that feeling is to be clear on exactly what needs to be done and how you’re going to do it. Write a list and check on it often. Seeing things in writing makes it feel more manageable, and you’ll feel great as you cross things off!
  2. Prioritize: Got that list? Great- now see what you can eliminate! Stick to what’s most important and know that it’s okay to say “no” when you feel you need to. Also, ask for help- you don’t have to do everything yourself.
  3. Focus on what matters: Don’t stress about being Martha Stewart! Be grateful for the good in your life and stay positive.
  4. Eat well: Don’t skip meals because you’re too busy or trying to lose some weight. You need the proper nutrition to function well and keep your mood up. Don’t indulge in too much junk food, either- it won’t give you the nutrients you need and you’ll feel bad about it.
  5. Eat dark chocolate: Eating dark chocolate reduces cortisol, a stress hormone. Do this, of course, in moderation.
  6. Listen to music: Music can relax you and make you feel good. I love to have music on when I’m cooking or cleaning.
  7. Breathe: Deep breathing is calming and grounding. Try to do this for five minutes before you start your day, and know that you can always use this tool whenever things get a little crazy.
  8. Make time for yourself: This can be hard to do but it’s extremely important. Carve out about half an hour a day that’s just for you. Read, take a bath, meditate drink some tea, go for a walk- or anything that calms you down and makes you realize that you’re special.
  9. Plan for post-holiday: I know that when I’m especially busy, it helps to have a plan for after. Plan a spa day, a movie binging day, or even a vacation if that’s possible. You’ll get through the busy time with something to look forward to.
  10. Stick to your budget: Holiday spending can stress anyone out! Avoid that by creating a budget and sticking to it, no matter what! You don’t have to buy a gift for everyone you know, and you can usually find less expensive versions of the gifts you do get. If you’ll be entertaining you don’t have to go all out- figure out what you can swing and it will be great anyway!
  11. Stay in the moment: Just focus on what you’re doing and don’t worry about other things you need to do.
  12. Participate in what you enjoy: Even with all the stress, the holidays are a happy time. Do the things you love to do and really let yourself enjoy them. Focus on how happy you are at the time.

How do you stay calm during the holidays? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!


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