11 Best Bargains For January

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Are you feeling like all the good deals are over after the busy holiday shopping season? Think you have to wait a whole year to get some great bargains? Think again- retailers also want to avoid a slump after the holiday shopping frenzy, so there are some great deals to be had in January! Here are the best bargains for this month:

  1. Gym membership: Gyms are banking on everyone’s weight loss and fitness resolutions this time of year, so you can score some really great membership packages. If you can’t find a deal you like, try bargaining a little- hey, you never know!
  2. Fitness equipment: Same as gym membership, so if you’ve been waiting for the right time to buy that elliptical, it might just be now! And make sure you use it!
  3. Winter outerwear: The height of this shopping season is over and retailers want to make room for spring merchandise, which means you can get a great deal on a coat. If you’re shopping for kids, buy a bigger size and put it away for next winter.
  4. Credit card promos: There are lots of offers out there with low interest rates or extra rewards points for joining.
  5. Tax filing software/tax filing services: April 15 will be here before you know it!
  6. Furniture: You’ll find good sales on furniture and home improvement items.
  7. White sale: Save on bedding, linens, and towels. The January white sale was originally implemented as a way to avoid a post-holiday retail dip.
  8. TVs: New models get to stores in February and March, so they’ll want to clear out current inventory.
  9. Flooring and carpeting: Retailers offer motivation in this slow season. It’s probably a great time to spruce up if you’ve done any heavy holiday entertaining.
  10. Calendars: They go on sale after New Year’s Day.
  11. Jewelry: Retailers are getting you ready for Valentine’s Day.

Okay, now get out there and shop!

What will you buy this January? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!


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