10 Ways to Get Organized and Save Money

This #ThrowbackThursday, it's also Dewey Decimal Day! Every year on December 10, we celebrate the birthday of librarian and educator Melvil Dewey. He famously created the Dewey Decimal System that is used for organizing library books! In honor of his achievements, let's talk organization.
Click through for 10 fabulously easy ideas to help you get organized and save money!
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This #ThrowbackThursday, it's also Dewey Decimal Day! Every year on December 10, we celebrate the birthday of librarian and educator Melvil Dewey. He famously created the Dewey Decimal System that is used for organizing library books! In honor of his achievements, let's talk organization.
Click through for 10 fabulously easy ideas to help you get organized and save money!
1. Make. A. Budget. And stick to it!
This is the most basic organization/money-saving tip, but that's because it's an important one. Here is a list of simple budget templates to choose from based on your lifestyle and needs. You can even download great free apps to help you budget fuss-free, like Mvelopes, Wally, Level Money, You Need A Budget, and Mint.com Personal Finance.
2. Get payments in order.
Once you've made your budget and created your debt repayment plan, organize all your utility, rent, mortgage, medical, and/or auto payments - set them up to auto-debit from your account if possible, so you'll never waste money on late fees!
3. Make space for your mail.
If you still receive bills by mail, it's essential to keep them organized and visible so you take care of them before incurring late fees! If you haven't already set up auto-payments like we recommended in the previous point, then at least create a space for your important mail and bills. Designate an "inbox" folder for checks, bills, and other important items that you place in your home office or by the front door. Or, if you're going paper-free, make a folder in your email inbox called "Bills" so you're always up to date on your payments.
4. Plan out your meals.
Making your own meal plan is essential to not wasting food - and therefore, not wasting money! Here are some great meal planning resources for families. If you're living by yourself or want to keep things extra-simple, start by cooking every other day. Double your recipes if you need to, and eat leftovers for your lunch and/or dinner to save money and prevent food waste.
5. Combine, combine, combine.
Plenty of us are guilty of having unnecessary duplicates - or even multiples - of the same item, whether it be hair bows, vanilla extract, or nail polish remover. If you have more than one of an item, put them together (or better yet, put them in the same container) so you'll use up what you have first.
6. Sell or gift that clutter!
There are plenty of ways to get rid of unwanted items - Goodwill, eBay, new apps that pop up daily - so hop to it! Comb through your belongings and trash everything you don't want that's not resellable. Then gift or sell the rest to save or make extra cash. 'Tis the season to regift!
7. Repurpose old items.
Now that the clutter is gone, you'll likely have more space in your existing storage bins for more items, if you need it. Still think you need more boxes and bins? Think again! Got extra cups, mugs, and bowls? Use them to keep accessories, craft supplies, and other bits 'n bobs in one place. The same goes for recyclable tin cans, glass jars, and other items you might be ready to toss.
8. Build a comprehensive home calendar.
Having all your important dates in one place can save you major moolah - think auto repairs, home maintenance projects, birthdays, appointments, and special events. If you need to get a gift, you can save money by finding it in advance (especially for holiday gifts - that markup is insane!). By making sure you regularly complete maintenance around your home and on your car, you'll save on possible future handyman or mechanic fees. And of course, by being timely to your appointments, you'll prevent late fees or missed-appointment fees.
9. Rearrange your pantry.
We're all guilty of finding food from the back of the pantry that's been sitting there for years - and having to throw it in the garbage. That's money! Make sure you never waste food by reorganizing your pantry so all the items that will expire soonest are right at the front. Check your kitchen cupboards for those sad, lidless Tupperware containers and use them to corral smaller items like spice jars, food packets, and wrapped items like granola bars.
10. Organize the kids' toys.
You can save tons of money on toys by "swapping" their toys out for older ones that they've forgotten about. Keep a schedule (seasonal, monthly, or however you like) for rotating toys, books, and other knickknacks. The kids will enjoy their "new" toys and be none the wiser! Nice one, mom!
What are your favorite ways to save money through organization? Leave us a comment on Facebook or send us your thoughts on Twitter @CatchyFreebies using the hashtag #ThrowbackThursday!

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