10 Smart Things To Buy In The Fall

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We like to save money in every season, so it’s good to know when’s the best time to make certain purchases. Check out this list and see where the good deals are in the fall.

  1. Cars. Fall is a good time to score a good deal on a new car. Dealers are making room for the next year’s models, so you can get a good price on current year models.
  2. Bikes. New models come out in the fall, so buy last year’s model and save.
  3. Summer items. Take advantage of end-of-season sales on grills, outdoor furniture, and other summer items.
  4. Appliances. New models go on sale in mid-October, so stores need to get rid of the previous year’s appliances.
  5. House. Fall isn’t a popular time to move, which means you could have more room to negotiate a good deal for yourself.
  6. Weatherproofing. Now’s the time to weatherproof your home so you can save on heating costs this winter.
  7. Pots and pans. With the holidays coming up, fall is the beginning of cooking and baking season. You’ll find good promotions for quality cookware.
  8. Crockpot. Buy a crockpot this fall and save money. Take advantage of the cooler weather and use a slow cooker for cozy soups and stews. By prepping in advance you can have home cooked meals even when you’re busy, and we all know that’s cheaper than eating out. Also, fall produce- apples, pumpkin, squash- tends to be pretty economical.
  9. Vacations. Get some good travel deals now- after the peak summer season and before the holidays.
  10. School supplies. Stock up for next year once school supplies go on sale after Labor Day.

What do you save on in the fall? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!




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