10 Quick Ways To Make Your Loved One Cry On Valentine’s Day

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It’s February 14 and you absolutely haven’t forgotten that today is Valentine’s Day. With the sudden influx of red hearts, roses showering TV commercials, greeting cards singing at you as you walk down the aisle of convenience stores, how could you not miss it? Well, believe it or not, right now there are hundreds of thousands of individuals scrambling to prepare a perfect date for Valentine’s Day while some may be getting ready for a luxurious evening at a luxury restaurant. You might be better off suggesting an adorable evening of love in your own home and leave the planning to us. Use some of the suggestions we have provided below and you’ll be sure to touch the heart of your loved one tonight; here are our 10 quick ways to make your loved one cry on Valentine’s Day.

  1. “Heart Attack”
    Our first item on the list is tamer than the title suggests: This juvenile-like craft idea is adorable and, with enough heartfelt effort, can be very thoughtful. Go over to your local craft store (We suggest Jo-Ann Fabrics and Crafts because they have a coupon for 50% Off One Item!), buy some markers, construction paper, and make a slew of hearts to hang around your home, kitchen, bedroom, driveway; Give your sweetheart a heart attack!
  2. Date night in a box.
    This is an easy project that can appear as if you spend PLENTY of planning for Valentine’s Day. Begin by picking a theme! If you’re planning on staying in the house tonight, stop by Target. Start digging inside of their discounted movie bins, grab Popcorn and Candy, a bottle of wine, and special occasion dinnerware! Touching Date-Nite classics like Must Love Dogs and Dirty Dancing are also currently on sale for $5 online; their in-store selection is bound to be just as strong!
  3. Netflix Binge
    Many couples love sitting down and enjoying many movies at a time. Luckily with the invention of Netflix, fellow movie buffs can pair off to criticize and enjoy movies for hours on end without ever leaving their homes. Make a Netflix queue of a selection of romantic movies you have previously enjoyed together or are new to you! Musicals like Grease and compelling romantic thrillers like Twilight are currently available to stream!
  4. Watch The Sunrise
    Who says that Valentine’s Day has to end at the stroke of Midnight? After a nice dinner and a bout of couch-potato movie binging, make it a point to wake up and watch the sunrise in the morning over breakfast and coffee. Tomorrow morning might be a little brisk across the United States outside of Florida, but taking the time to witness an event many of us take for granted might be heartwarming enough for us to enjoy with the love of our lives.
  5. Indoor Picnic
    Speaking of colder weather- With Valentine’s Day being held in February it makes it a little harder for us to do outdoor activities due to colder weather conditions throughout Winter. With that being said, take an outdoors activity and bring it indoors! Unconventional gestures are fun and typically unexpected; so lay down your picnic basket in the Living Room, fill up your basket with a lovely meal you’ve prepared (We have your back, here’s a collection of great 20 Minute Meals from Jamie Oliver), and surprise your loved one with a tender memory to go along with their tender chicken.
  6. Valentine’s Day Fort
    When was the last time you built a fort? They are so much fun to lounge in and easy to make if you place a little time into the project! We found a beautiful template you may be able to follow from Brit+Co that can help you achieve the long-forgotten art of indoor fort making and bring it back in the modern realm of romance! Be sure to include some of the hearts from the Heart Attack suggestion above to really pull the theme together!
  7. Couples Spa
    Feel beautiful on the day of love! There are plenty of ways a couple can emulate the atmosphere of a Spa right in their own home. Head out to your local beauty supply store and pick up a face mask for skin care treatment, purchase a bath bomb for the two of you to enjoy, coconut oil to help relax your muscles, or give each other a manicure!
  8. “Remember When” Keepsakes
    Sometimes we’ve been with our mates for so long, it may seem like an eternity. Many precious memories shared between each other, distances traveled, vacations spent, there is so much to reflect upon. To commemorate these memories of ours, find a connected item to a certain wonderful memory and casually place it near the date area and see if your partner remembers the association between your relationship and the item held. It’s an absolutely heart touching nostalgic present.
  9. Recreate Your First Date
    Speaking of walking down memory lane, how about you attempt to recreate your first date? Many couples find it hard to forget the first time they laughed at their crush, let alone the many dates that brought them closer together as a pair. Try to remember key-factors that went into your date and bring them back to life in your date space. Even if you do forget some of the vital information that went towards the date, you’ll have another person to remind you of your mutually cherished memory.
  10. Dinner and Dancing
    Once you’ve completed your meals and your movies, how about you end the night with a little physical activity? Dancing! Spotify has curated several different Valentine’s Day playlists to get you and your partner cheek-to-cheek, moving to the rhythm of each other’s heartbeats. Or play the music of Prince, who has been recently added to almost all major streaming services. Prince always knew how to get couples moving in one way or another.

Each year that passes with our loved ones is special all on its own, however when you’re able to consistently share romantically-themed holidays with your boyfriend, girlfriend, finance, or spouse- it makes holidays like Valentine’s Day so much more enjoyable. Did you do something different for your partner? Let us know on our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

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