10 Natural Home Remedies From Your Kitchen

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Medicine is a necessity in our world, but lots of meds come with unwanted side effects. Don’t get me wrong- I’m the first one to run for some Advil when I feel a headache coming on, but lately I’ve been thinking about trying out some natural alternatives. And it turns out that many natural home remedies can be found right in your kitchen! No need for chemical intervention, and no need to spend money on extra products! And you know how we love that! Of course, I’m no doctor, (sorry, Grandma!) and this is not real medical advice- just some alternatives to medicines for minor discomforts. If you have a real issue, check it out with a medical professional.

  1. Olive oil. Olive oil is a wonderful moisturizer. Use it to soothe or prevent chapped lips. Rub it into your heels at bedtime and cover with thick socks to prevent and treat cracking.
  2. Avocado. Because of its natural oils and vitamins, avocado makes an excellent face mask. Mash, apply to your face, and leave on for about 10 minutes before rinsing off.
  3. Ginger. Make a tea from fresh ginger, drink ginger ale, or suck on ginger candy to help relieve nausea, morning sickness. menstrual cramps, and other stomach discomfort.
  4. Oats. Make a paste and use as an exfoliating face mask that will leave your skin incredibly soft. Oats are also great for treating acne and relieving itch from eczema, poison ivy, and insect bites. Who’s old enough to remember sitting in an oatmeal bath with chicken pox?
  5. Cranberries. The antioxidants in cranberries help promote urinary tract health and prevent bladder infections. Drinking cranberry juice and eating fresh or dried cranberries are both good. Just pay attention to the calorie count.
  6. Cucumbers. Cucumber slices soothe puffy eyes.
  7. Coffee. The caffeine in one or two cups of coffee can help get rid of a headache.
  8. Salt. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup warm water and gargle to soothe and possibly cure a sore throat. Mix salt with some oil as a moisturizing scrub for skin.
  9. Cinnamon. As an anti-inflammatory, cinnamon helps relieve gas, indigestion, arthritis pain, and symptoms of a cold.
  10. Garlic. Not only does a little bit of fresh garlic make almost every savory dish even better, but garlic also has antibiotic properties. Eat garlic to get  rid of colds, infection, sore throat, and to help lower cholesterol.

So, before you head out to the drugstore to spend your money on over-the-counter drugs, try out these home remedies using what you already have at home. Feel better and save some money!

Do you know any natural home remedies? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!


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