10 Fun Facts About Ice Cream

10 fun facts about ice cream healthy clean eating enjoy catchyfreebies
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I think it’s safe to say that everyone loves ice cream. Okay, maybe not everyone, but let’s say just about everyone. So I thought it would be fun to look up and share some fun facts about ice cream. You know, to make the enjoyment of ice cream a little more meaningful, and also so that you can show off and sound super smart!

  • Vanilla is the #1 flavor sold in the United States.
  • Chocolate syrup is the most popular topping. (Duh!)
  • It takes 12 gallons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream.
  • Ever wonder what causes brain freeze? It happens when the cold touches the roof of your mouth, causing blood vessels in your head to dilate.
  • It takes approximately 50 licks to finish a single scoop cone.
  • The U.S. produces the most ice cream in the world.
  • Each American eats an average of 48 pints of ice cream per year.
  • More ice cream is sold on Sunday than any other day of the week.
  • Ice cream is a good source of calcium and protein.
  • Eating ice cream activates the pleasure center in your brain.

Pretty cool ice cream trivia! And it’s good to know that even though ice cream has lots of fat and sugar, it’s not completely bad for you. So eat it in moderation and enjoy it!


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