There’s too much hating going on, and unfortunately, a lot of that is women hating their bodies. In our world, with social media and so much sharing, we think we have a glimpse of other people’s lives and that often makes us think we’re not as good as we should be. We can think we should be thinner, taller, shorter, prettier, smarter, funnier, more successful, more accomplished, richer, better parents, have better hair, have better relationships, and on and on… It’s hard to live up to what other people make you think is ideal.
We have to remember that we don’t have to measure up to others, and that feeling good about ourselves is our priority. And that what we see isn’t always the complete truth, anyway. I came across this collection of body positive mantra that I think are great and that express such important messages about loving yourself and your body that I just had to share it. Click here and start to love yourself and your body!
Do you have any body positive mantras? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!
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