19 Tricks For Getting Things Done

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Do you feel like you never seem to get things done? Maybe you don’t have enough time to tackle everything on your to-do list, or you’re not motivated to get those particular tasks done, or maybe you just procrastinate. Whatever the reason, you know it’s not good; that list has to get done eventually, and having it hanging over your head doesn’t make you feel better at all. You might as well just get in there and get things over with. Here are 19 smart tricks for getting things done:

  1. Make a list. Pretty basic, but seeing everything in front of you makes it all clear and can help you formulate a plan for getting it all done.
  2. Visualize. Picture yourself doing those things and the good feeling you’ll get when everything is done. If that doesn’t do it for you, picture the consequences you’ll have to deal with if you don’t get things done.
  3. Just jump in. Instead of dreading your tasks, jump right in and get started!
  4. Prioritize. Pick out the three most important tasks and do them first.
  5. Get things over with. Or knock off the things you really don’t want to do and get them out of the way.
  6. Wake up a little earlier. If time is your issue, wake up a little earlier to give yourself some more time.
  7. Always write down ideas. Carry around a pen and paper or index cards, or create a note in your phone so you can record ideas as they come. Later on, review and see how those ideas can be helpful to you.
  8. Get enough sleep. This is crucial for being your most productive. And make sure you eat well and exercise.
  9. Don’t interrupt yourself. Start a task and don’t stop until it’s done.
  10. Do one thing at a time. We love to multi-task, thinking it will make us more efficient, but in reality the opposite is true. Focus on the one thing that you’re doing- not a gazillion others- and take your time!
  11. Break down large tasks. That’s the only way to keep things real and not feel discouraged. If you’re facing a hopelessly large task, break it down into manageable parts and tackle them one by one.
  12. Don’t be perfect. Striving for perfection will discourage you and keep you from getting started. Do your best, keeping in mind that the object is to get the thing done! Most of the time you can go back and polish things up when you’re feeling less stressed about finishing.
  13. Eliminate distractions. Silence your phone and turn off alerts.
  14. Look for shortcuts. See how you can shorten your list: can you ask for help, delegate, skip something that’s not crucial, cut corners? If you can find any shortcuts, take advantage of them.
  15. Create routine. Habit is incredibly helpful for getting things done. And if there’s a way to work something into your regular routine it gets even easier. Stop at the store on your way home from work and your won’t have to go out again.
  16. Say “No.” Don’t give yourself more to do, you’ll just get backed up and nervous about fitting it all in.
  17. Know yourself. Know which times of the day you’re at your best and plan to tackle things then.
  18. Don’t get discouraged. Setbacks happen, but don’t let them make you quit. Just keep moving forward and start again.
  19. Set deadlines. Rather than being vague about when you’ll do something, set a deadline for yourself. Tell a friend and check in so you won’t be allowed to push things off.

Knowing you have a lot to do can be so overwhelming! Well, not anymore! Use these tricks and knock things right off your to-do list!



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