15 Steps To True Happiness

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Everyone wants to be happy. Being happy feels good and has a positive effect on your overall health. There are specific things and situations that make us happy- like losing 10 pounds or getting a promotion at work. But I’m talking about something deeper- happiness as a state of being, which, for some of us, might require some work- and there’s nothing wrong with that! Here are 15 steps to true happiness, so you can become the happy person you want to be!

  1. Choose to be happy. This means consciously working at being happy. Put a positive spin on the things you would normally complain about.
  2. Feel gratitude. Count your blessings and appreciate what’s good- even the small things. Make a list if it helps you, and remember that appreciation is an important step to happiness.
  3. Forgive. Holding a grudge is a burden you don’t need, and anger can seriously hold you back. Let it go and see how much happier you feel.
  4. Challenge yourself. Set new goals, and occasionally take a risk. Boredom can be an obstacle to happiness.
  5. Socialize. Humans are generally social beings, and spending time with other people has a very positive effect on your mood. Be careful to avoid people who are negative because they will drag you down with them.
  6. Engage in activities that make you happy. Spend time on hobbies that you enjoy, or master something new.
  7. Treat yourself. Everyone likes a treat now and then, including you!
  8. Exercise. Physical activity is a huge mood booster, triggering the hormones that make you feel happy. And because exercising is beneficial for your physical health, you’ll feel good that you’re doing something good for your body.
  9. Get enough sleep. You know how cranky you get when you’re tired!
  10. Listen to music. Listening to music reduces stress and makes you happy. Studies show that this works even better if you actually listen with the intent to feel happy.
  11. Journal. Keeping a journal has all kinds of benefits for your emotional health. Writing is cathartic and can help release the stress and tension we tend to hold in. By writing about what’s going on in your life it will be easier for you to see the good things you might otherwise take for granted.
  12. Eat right. Eating a balanced diet and making sure you have the nutrients you need is essential for staying happy. No one likes to feel “hangry.”
  13. Smile. Smiling and feeling happy  might not come naturally to you, so fake it in the beginning if you need to- even if it makes you feel stupid. The more you do it, the more natural it will feel, and the happier you will feel.
  14. Give to others. Using what you have to help others is a wonderful mood lifter. Donating money or items to a charity, or volunteering your time are excellent ways to share. Getting involved in a cause will give you social opportunities, as well.
  15. Use color. Surround yourself with cheerful, sunny colors, whether it’s you clothing or your interior decor. You’ll be surprised what a powerful effect this has!

If you’ve decided to become happier you’ve already taken the hardest step. Follow the other steps and in no time being happy won’t take any work at all!




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