10 Ways To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

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We’re into 2017 and you’ve set some goals for the new year: you’re going to lose weight, exercise more, save money, go to bed earlier, etc, etc. It’s the first week of January and you’re full of motivation and determination- you’re ready to get started and you’re going to see those goals through! Well, best of luck to you! I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know how this all goes for me: I make some New Year’s resolutions and follow them for a little while, until I get tired, bored, discouraged, or just fall back into my old habits, and those resolutions go out the window. I want this year to be different and I have some ideas how to make that happen. Feel free to follow my guide on how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

  1. Don’t set too many goals. You might want to change or improve a lot of things, but that’s just setting yourself up for failure, simply because it’s too hard to do. Decide which goals are most important and focus on just a few and you’ll have greater success following through.
  2. Make sure you really want to do it. Only set goals you really want to meet- not what you think you should be doing because it’s trendy, or because other people want you to do things. If you hate jogging, don’t plan to jog five days a week! If you want to focus on fitness, think of something you’ll enjoy more and you’ll be more likely to do it.
  3. Write it down. Writing down your goals is more effective than just keeping it your head. It makes it more real and makes you more accountable.
  4. Set simple goals. Don’t go overboard or you can get discouraged. Look at the big picture but break it down into more manageable mini-goals.
  5. Be clear and specific. Being vague is confusing and allows you to slack off. Don’t just plan to save money, determine how much money you want to save and break it up by month or week.
  6. Have a plan. Figure out what you need to do in your daily life to implement those small changes.
  7. Review your progress. Keep track of how you’re doing and assess whether you need to modify your plan in any way.
  8. Be realistic. Know what you can reasonably accomplish and you’ll be much more successful.
  9. Get support. Having the right support can really help.
  10. Don’t give up. Keep at it, even if you slip up or are not progressing at quickly as you’d like. A slip-up is not a failure; it’s a normal part of progress. Be strong and you’ll succeed!

How do you stick to your New Year’s resolutions? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!


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