10 Great Gift Ideas Under $20

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Holiday gift-giving… It’s tough! You want to participate in the spirit of the season, and you want to be generous, but what if your budget just doesn’t allow for it? Or maybe it’s not even about your budget; maybe you just refuse to get caught up in the spending and materialism, but you don’t want to come off as a Scrooge. So what do you do? The answer is: you give fabulous and frugal but certainly not cheap gifts!

It’s not as hard to do as you might think. A gift doesn’t have to be big to have an impact, or to be appreciated. Here are 10 great gift ideas under $20:

  1. Magazine subscriptions. There are lots of one-year subscriptions to popular magazines for about $20 (or even less!). And what’s so great about this gift is that it lasts all year! Many magazines run 2-for-1 holiday specials, or offer a gift with a new subscription, which makes it an even better gift and an even better deal for you.
  2. A bottle of wine. Any wine lovers on your list? There are plenty of really good bottles at the $20 range. Wrap it up nicely and you’ve got a really nice gift there! Ask for recommendations at your local liquor store if you’re not an oenophile yourself.
  3. Create a custom gift basket. Put together an assortment of products you think the person on your list will love. Is she a crafter? Gather some nice crafting essentials and pack it up nicely. Another good one is special baking ingredients or tools for a baker in your life. This becomes a special gift that’s way more personal than just buying and wrapping that fancy mixer.
  4. Give of yourself. Sometimes the greatest gifts don’t cost any money at all! Offer babysitting, a home-cooked meal, take on a housekeeping chore, or write a personalized poem or letter that lets that person know how special he or she is to you. Write a song. You can use any of your talents or special abilities to create a personal gift.
  5. Create a custom recipe book. Gather a collection of your family favorites, or go with any theme you’d like. Slip them into sheet protectors and organize in a binder that you decorate yourself.
  6. A beautifully framed photo. Choose a really great pic and frame it in a beautiful frame that you can buy without spending a lot of money. Can’t choose the one perfect picture to frame? Create a custom photo album. Memories make great gifts.
  7. Gift books. You can always find really nice gift books in the discount aisle at the bookstore, and especially this time of year. You should be able to find a book for almost any interest.
  8. DIY. You knew that was going to be on this list, but DIY really is a great way to give a special and unique gift without spending too much money. Put your crafting skills to good use, or bake and package your special cookies or some homemade candy. You know what to do: check out Pinterest and crafting and recipe blogs for some great ideas.
  9. Re-gift. I know it sounds tacky, but think about it: Someone spends time and money to give you something you’ll never use. That’s wasteful, and there’s nothing wrong with passing it on to someone else who’ll appreciate it. Just make sure to put a little effort of your own into it: Rewrap it, write a card, and maybe don’t re-gift it right away. Keep a collection of gifts so you’re always ready with one to give.
  10. Shop in discount stores. Stores like Home Goods and Marshalls are treasure troves of quality gift options at discount prices. Decorative items, housewares, accessories are all nice gifts to get.


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